
Please assume that people will check your social media and drag up posts or likes you may have made 10 years ago which you may not remember or be aware of. We suggest the following:

  • Update your professional LinkedIn profile and ensure that it replicates your CV exactly in terms of dates, role and work type. Any inconsistencies will impact negatively on your applications
  • Review the profile photo you are using on LinkedIn and other social media profiles, and ensure it is reflective of you professionally and is up to date
  • Google your name and review the content that comes up
  • Change your Instagram and Facebook profiles to private
  • If you do not wish to privatise your profiles, we suggest utilising the “Limit all past posts” feature on Facebook
  • Check what comes up when people view you on Facebook by utilising the “View as” feature on Facebook
  • Review which groups or page that you have liked or are following, and remove any that are inappropriate